Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Inadequacy - Not a word anymore!

       Some of us wake up every morning with this idea that we have to fit in and be on par with something, or someone. There is this lingering idea that we have to be  "ADEQUATE" for people...their views... their lifestyles... We are especially reminded about adequacy when it concerns our jobs and/or our job searches.
"As long as your bulb still burns, you can shine. You will
always have a current running through you as long as you live
so you will always be capable."
       Film and Video. We went on talking and I told him how I had recently submitted about 2-3 applications to Turner for Internships but that I hadn't gotten a response back. I immediately told him, "Yeah, I guess I didn't meet the criteria for them..." and to my surprise, he responded with, "MAN! You let THEM tell you that!"
I remember a few months ago when it was normal day and  I was working inside of my store, GUESS Inc. I was talking to a customer about my major,

       Ever since that day, that quote has stuck with me. It was sort of a realization that we create these resumes and cover letters to submit to these big time companies only to sometimes be turned away...but does that necessarily mean that we can't fit the position or that we aren't adequate enough? That we will never be capable?  The man from my store was right... I did let them tell me that. I was convinced that since I did not receive a response as to why I was not selected, that I was inadequate. To this day, I have not gotten a response. It's been about 3 months. Does this mean that I am inadequate? I think NOT. I know that I am adequate. I know that with the right settings, the right professors, and the right materials that I am capable.

       Being capable is much different than being adequate. Being capable deals with "abilities/characteristics that can be gained" whereas adequacy deals with "You either have it (the ability/characteristic) or you don't." People like to say that athletes without limbs aren't adequate to do this, to do that. But if you give them the right materials (the prosthetic limbs), the right professor (a physical therapist), and the right setting (the track, the field, the court), then they will be just as capable as all of us...just in their own way.

"Every step represents a 'NO' and every
floor represents a 'YES'. That's how Life is. Every 'NO'
literally gets you one step closer to a 'YES'."
       Inadequacy doesn't just revolve around the workplace or in the area of job-searching. It applies to relationships. Friendships. It applies to any area in which you may not feel "good enough." Those areas can be public, or private. Only you know. I am not going to delve into the relationship or friendship aspects of being inadequate because everyone is different and the points given won't apply to everyone; however, The moral of the story is: DON'T LET ANYONE, not your family, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, Boss or whatever have you, tell you that you are inadequate for something. As long as you are alive, you are capable.
       R. Kelly made a song many years ago called, "I believe I can fly", and it is still widely popular because of the truth within the song. Seriously, it's really motivational.

Be capable, DO, and achieve.


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